Thursday, October 28, 2010

Volcano Quiz Review Questions

Here are some questions to help you review for the quiz. Please note, I gave you some more specific guidelines in class to let you know what material we'll cover. Answer as many questions as you can. If you can't answer a whole question or part of a question, be prepared to ask for help on Friday.

What is a volcano?

A volcano is a weak place in the crust where magma erupts onto Earth’s surface.

What is magma?

Magma is an underground molten mixture of rock-forming substances, gases and water vapor that originates from the hot mantle.

What is lava?

Lava is magma that has reached the surface of earth.

How many active volcanoes are there?

Currently there are about 600 active volcanoes on land.

What is the “Ring of Fire?”

The ring of fire is a major volcanic belt that rims the Pacific Ocean.

Where do volcanoes occur most often?

Volcanoes exist on weak spots in the Earth’s lithosphere. Thus, volcanoes occur most often at plate boundaries. Most volcanoes occur along diverging plate boundaries (such as the mid-ocean ridge) and at converging plate boundaries where one plate subducts beneath another plate (such as the edges of continents). Volcanoes can also occur over hot spots.

What is a volcanic belt?

A volcanic belt is a string of volcanoes that occur along a plate boundary.

What is subduction?

Subduction is when one plate slides under another plate. Subduction occurs when continental crust and oceanic crust are moving towards one another; the more dense oceanic crust subducts under the continental crust.

What are volcanoes that occur along diverging plate boundaries like?

They form along mid-oceanic ridges, which occur when two oceanic plates are moving away from one another. These ridges make up long, underwater rift valleys that wind through the oceans. Lava pours out as the crust splits in the middle of the rift valleys.

What are volcanoes like at converging plate boundaries?

(Continental-Oceanic) Subduction cuases slabs of oceanic crust to sink through a deep ocean trench into the mantle. The crust melts and forms magma, which then rises back toward the surface. When the magma from the melted crusts erupts as lava, volcanoes are formed. The Cascade Mountain Range, which includes volcanoes like Mt. Hood and Mount St. Helens ,was caused by the melting of the Juan de Fuca plate as it subducted beneath the North American plate.

(oceanic-oceanic) When two oceanic plates collide the resulting volcanic activity often forms island arcs. The older, denser oceanic plate dives under the younger oceanic plate creating a deep ocean trench. The lower plate sinks beneath the deep ocean trench into the asthenosphere. There it begins to melt, forming magma. This magma is less dense than the surrounding rock, so it rises to the surface, creating volcanoes. Japan, New Zealand, Indonesia, the Caribbean islands, the Philippines, and the Aleutians (all major island chains) were created this way.

What are hot spot volcanoes?

A hot spot is an area where magma from deep within the mantle melts through the crust like a blow torch. Hot spots often lie in the middle of continental or oceanic plates far from any plate boundaries. Thus, they are not the result of subduction or diverging plates. The Hawaiian Islands formed as the Pacific plate drifted over a hot spot. A major hot spot in the middle of continental plate is Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.

How does magma reach Earth’s surface?

Lava begins as magma in the mantle. There, magma forms in the asthenosphere, which lies beneath the lithosphere. Magma rises through the lithosphere because liquid magma is less dense than the surrounding solid material. Magma flows up through any cracks in the rock above, until it reaches the surface or is trapped beneath rock layers. Because the plates are weakest and have the most cracks at plate boundaries, this is why magma reaches the surface most often around the edges of plates.

What is a volcanic eruption?

Volcanic eruptions occur in different sizes and types. Generally, any time lava, tephra, and gases are expelled from a volcanic vent onto Earth’s surface it is called a volcanic eruption.

What is tephra?

Tephra is the general name for rocks that are shot out during a volcanic eruption. Depending on the size of the rock, tephra is classified with specific names:

· Ash – particles smaller than 2mm (.08 inches) in diameter

· Lapilli – between 2mm and 64mm (.08 inches and 2.5 inches)

· Volcanic bombs or Volcanic Blocks – larger than 64mm (2.5 inches)

What different types of Magma are there?

There are three main types of Magma

1. Basaltic magma – low viscosity (low silica content)

2. Andesitic magma – intermediate viscosity (medium silica content)

3. Ryolitic magma – high viscosity (high silica content)


Summary Table

Magma Type

Solidified Rock

Chemical Composition



Gas Content



45-55 SiO2 %, high in Fe, Mg, Ca, low in K, Na

1000 - 1200 oC





55-65 SiO2 %, intermediate in Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, K

800 - 1000 oC





65-75 SiO2 %, low in Fe, Mg, Ca, high in K, Na.

650 - 800 oC



Describe volcanic Eruptions:

During a volcanic eruption, the gases dissolved in magma rush out, carrying the magma with them. Depending on the viscosity and gas content of the magma, the eruption may either be explosive or non-explosive. Generally, they follow the pattern below:

· Explosive: Felsic magma (higher viscosity, higher gas content)

o Thick magma blocks up the vent allowing extreme pressure to build up, which finally erupts in an explosive eruption.

· Non-explosive: Mafic magma (lower viscosity, lower gas content)

o Thinner magma flows out more easily from the vent, sometimes jetting into the air, but mostly flowing downhill in rivers of lava.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Four Main Types of Volcanoes (Homework)

Geologists group volcanoes into four main types:
  1. cinder cones
  2. composite volcanoes (stratovolcanoes)
  3. shield volcanoes
  4. lava domes
We have reviewed one type of volcano in class. Follow this link (CLICK HERE!) to complete notes for the composite volcanoes and shield volcanoes (I will cover lava domes in class). Organize your notes like the ones you took in class using the following format:

  1. Name of the Volcano type
  2. Describe the shape using a labeled diagram.
  3. Describe the formation and composition using bullet notes.
  4. Give an example of this type volcano.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Magma, Lava, Felsic, Mafic, Ah-Ah, Oh My!

You just finished walking through an old lava tube (remember, the Ape Cave!!!). And you even did your best impression of a lava flow. Isn't it about time your learned about all the different kinds of lava there are? The correct answer: YES OF COURSE!!! Lava! Lava! Lava! Lava!

Here's a quick review:
  • Magma = an underground molten mixture of rock-forming substances, gases and water vapor that originates from the asthenosphere.
  • Lava = magma that has erupted onto the surface of the Earth.
There are a few different ways to classify lava that measure the following characteristics:
  • Chemical composition - mainly how much silica ( SiO2 ) is found in the lava.
  • Eruption temperature - the temperature range at which the lava comes out of the ground.
  • Viscosity - a liquid's resistance to flow (honey=high viscosity and water = low viscosity)
  • Gas content - the amount of gases dissolved in the lava.
There are three main types of magma/lava that produce four different types of volcanic rock. Notice that depending on how much silica (SiO2) felsic lava contains, in can either produce dacite or rhyolite. (Select the Volcanic Rock types to get more information)

Felsic (low Si)
Felsic (high Si)

Take a look at the chart below and answer the questions below:

Summary Table

Magma Type

Solidified Rock

Chemical Composition



Gas Content



45-55 SiO2 %, high in Fe, Mg, Ca, low in K, Na

1000 - 1200 oC





55-65 SiO2 %, intermediate in Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, K

800 - 1000 oC





65-75 SiO2 %, low in Fe, Mg, Ca, high in K, Na.

650 - 800 oC



  1. Rank the magma types from highest silica content to lowest silica content.
  2. Rank the magma types from highest temperature to lowest temperature.
  3. Other than honey and water, what are some three liquids you know with different viscosity? Try ranking these liquids from highest viscosity to lowest viscosity.
  4. Rank the magma types from highest viscosity to lowest viscosity.
  5. Rank the magma types from highest gas content to lowest gas content.
  6. Which kind of lava formed the Ape Cave? What kind of viscosity did this lava have?

And because earth science videos are amazing, check these out:
  • The Hawaiians have more specific names for the mafic/basaltic lava flows they routinely see erupt from Hawaiian shield volcanoes. CHECK IT OUT!
  • Here's a look forward at the Rock cycle that we'll cover second semester: CHECK IT OUT!
  • And since Leah asked about different kinds of caves, here's an awesome video about caves. CHECK IT OUT!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

WARNING: Volcanoes are Awesome!!!

Now that we've covered the interior of the Earth and basics of plate tectonics, its time that we focus on the truly amazing effects of tectonic plates converging, diverging, and transforming. The two major effects of these interactions that we will study are earthquakes and volcanoes. First we will study volcanoes!!! CHECK OUT these videos to gather a basic picture of how volcanoes form, then answer the questions below.
  1. Where do volcanoes usually form?
  2. What is a constructive plate boundary? Which type of plate boundary would be considered constructive, convergent, divergent, or transform?
  3. What is a destructive plate boundary? Which type of plate boundary would be considered destructive? convergent, divergent, or transform?
  4. What does the extremely high friction between moving plates lead to?
  5. What are some different types of volcanoes?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Collapse Notes

Here are your notes that you created as a class. Click on the question and you will be taken to a page with the outline of the answer. Both sections are listed together for everyone's benefit:

*please note: pages are referenced from Collapse as (Collapse, pg. #).
  1. What is the main difference between the 'Huls Farm' and the 'Gardar Farm?'
  2. In your own words define what Jared Diamond means by collapse.
  3. Diamond describes ecological suicide--ecocide--as "people inadvertently destroying their environmental resources on which their societies depend" (Collapse, 7). What are the eight ways human societies tend to commit ecocide?
  4. Why is it important to study past cases of ecocide?
  5. How is our present day society at lower risk of collapse than past societies?
  6. How is our present day society at higher risk of collapse than past societies?
  7. Environmentalist have been accused of a false conception of past indigenous people. That is, some environmentalists believe that indigenous peoples in the past lived in perfect or near perfect harmony with their environment. This is commonly referred to as the 'ecologically noble Indian' hypothesis. Why does Jared Diamond suggest this hypothesis is misleading?
  8. Diamond says that the type of science he relied on to write Collapse is the "comparative method" or the "natural experiment" (Collapse, 17). What does this method entail? (hint: comparative suggests he's comparing something. What could that be?). How is this different than the lab-based science we used to conduct our paper airplane experiment?

Plate Boundaries

The theory of plate tectonics is based on the understanding that Earth's lithosphere is broken into separate plates which float on top of the moving asthenosphere. Further, we believe that movement of convection currents in the asthenosphere drives the movement of the tectonic plates. Because all the plates are moving at the same time, they interact with each other in different ways, overlaping, seperating, and grinding past one another. These different interactions are characterized by the three types of plate boundaries.

So far we've learned that there are three main types of plate boundaries. Visit the links below to complete your notes.

1. Divergent (plates moving apart)
2. Convergent (plates moving together)
3. Transform (plates slide past each other)

Once you have complete your notes, check out the plate tectonics map and try to find examples of each of the boundaries listed below. Mark these places on your copy of the plate boundary map.
  • Divergent Boundary - oceanic
  • Divergent Boundary - continental
  • Convergent Boundary - oceanic/continental
  • Convergent Boundary - oceanic/oceanic
  • Convergent Boundary - continental/continental
  • Transform Boundary - continental
When your finished, watch this video to review what you've just learned. Answer the questions below to prepare for your quiz.

  1. What type of plate boundary is associated with mountain building?
  2. How is new sea floor created?
  3. Are earthquakes associated with every type of plate boundary?
  4. How did the Cascade Mountain range form?
  5. While continental crust is primarily made up of less-dense granite, the lava that flows from volcanoes is mostly more-dense basalt (thus you hear about 'basalt flows'). Explain how this is possible?